Monday, December 17, 2012

The Build: Mini Partial Tour

So the updates are getting overwhelming as things with the house are changing rapidly. It'll be easier for me to do updates just on everything until we get in and get settled. So tonight at the house, Jason is working rapidly on the electrical even though he was planning on spending the entire weekend tiling. I worked on painting the master bathroom....and yes, there is still more painting to be done (ugh!). My Mom and Dad are constantly playing the role of the cleaning crew, along with many other family members.

Ok, so when you walk in from the garage, the built-in lockers, "mudroom area" is to your left.  We have some baskets to fit right in those open spaces.
I thought I got a good pic of the bath straight ahead, but must have been distracted by something so, we'll back out of here.....
Continuing to back up, here is the wall of cabinets to the left if you are standing in the living room looking at the kitchen. All those green and blue tabs, are tape. We have yet to pick out hardware for the kitchen cabinets. We have always wanted long bars but the downfall is that they are trendy. Another downfall is that you are stuck with two holes that are far apart if you ever wanted to put in hardware that only needed one hole or ones that were closer together.
Here is a look at the kitchen from the dining room. Those hardwood floors are soooo dirty despite putting down a green protecting walkway with all the traffic.

To the back right of the kitchen is the pantry. We are still trying to choose a backsplash....
Turn around and now you are looking at the dining room. The stone on the fireplace was just installed. The faces to the drawers and cabinets still have to go on, along with whatever hardware we pick out.
Ahhhh the fireplace....can't wait to be sitting in front of it drinking a glass of wine!

To the right of the fireplace is the stairwell.....carpet to be installed this week!!
The front door! Could it be larger!? We picked out an entry way table that is ready for pick up.
Up the stairs and to the left is laundry/craft room. That room has not been touched in a LONG time. We picked out the flooring...I think we picked out the counter top......who knows what color it will be.....needless to say, it isn't preventing us from moving in.....
So to the right is a built-in and hallway closet followed by Ava's room. I bought her a wall decal that is a big tree to go along with her owl/bird theme. Can't wait to do some decorating!
Each child has a small area for vanity and sink, prior to the Jack and Jill bath. This way one can be getting ready while the other one is using the bathroom.
Jack and Jill bath
Austin's vanity
Austin's room with the new stripe

Off to the master bath! Starting somewhere in the back is the toilet room
Taking a step out of the toilet room and walking back to the master the right is the his and hers sinks and vanities

To the left is the bathtub and beautiful stone wall!!!

That's about it for now! More to take pictures of but so much is going on that it was time to get back to work! We are scheduled to be moving in this Saturday......CRAZY!!!!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Jingle All the Way....Old MacDonald?

Austin has been learning Christmas songs at school to prepare for the Christmas program. His favorite song to sing right now is Jingle Bells. Here is Austin's version...
Jingle Bells.....Jingle Bells....Jingle Bells.....All the way.....Old MacDonald had a farm! I have to hand it to him, Oh what fun sure does sound like Old MacDonald.

Random note: Austin went pee-pee on the potty this week!

Random note #2: Ava sprouted two bottom teeth this week. She truly wants for Christmas her two front bottom teeth!

Thank goodness for the joys of children to keep me sane during this build!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Build: New Arrivals

Many items have been arriving at the house and are ready for install!!

Starting with........hardwood floors!! Ok so these are just the boxes but it's still exciting to see that the distressed hardwood floors we so anxiously anticipated are here!

Doors and more doors have arrived for all the many built-ins. Now the puzzle begins of where do they all go.....

Big sigh of relief as the granite has been placed. We stretched two enormous slabs throughout the entire's a good thing we love it.

On a side note: The electrician cancelled on Jason and now he has been working over nighters trying to get things ready for the inspection for occupancy. If it isn't one thing, it's another. I thought I could see the light at the end of the tunnel, but I think it's just a bright light, that's far....far away. (sigh)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Every once and a while we are adventurous on the weekend and take both kiddos out for the morning. I say 'adventurous' because it seems like such hard work to get both kids packed and ready to go for half a day. Snacks, extra clothes, diapers, sippy cups, bottles.....well wait a second, I forgot a bottle and had to buy one.....and as usual, I forgot a burp cloth. But anyhoo.....we decided to take a trip to  Breton Village to see Santa and also the trains they have set up. We knew it'd be a big hit with Austin to at least see the trains even if he didn't want to see Santa.

We were right about the trains....Austin was glued to the glass.

It was hard to pry him away to go see Santa since he doesn't really have a clue who Santa is.

While other little boys were bawling their eyes out in their overpriced grandfather sweaters, Austin was just staring in silence.

It got to be our turn and it was no doubt in our minds that Grandma might have to sit in on the action as well.

I can't help but post this picture. Ava is wondering what the heck is going on while Austin is pulling a banana back and sliding off Grandma's lap.

Now this one is a little closer to what I was hoping for.
Austin told Santa he wanted a fire truck. Now everytime he sees anything that represents Santa, he shouts "Fire truck!"
We headed back to the trains and let Ava prance around in her tutu. She lives in ruffle pants.
Kate didn't hesitate about coming along with us. I am always thrilled about another set of hands to help out!
It didn't take long for Austin to warm up to the idea of Santa. The line went down and Santa was stretching his legs and before we knew it....Austin was running into Santa's arms! I grabbed my camera and ran over there to grab just a pic or two before the magic wore off and Austin was running back to the trains.
It's definitely worth the hustle and bustle of packing up like we are leaving the house for a week. Austin was trying to fall asleep on the way home so we did our best to sing christmas songs at the top of our lungs so Austin could wait to nap until we got home. Can't wait for those pictures someday of both kiddos smiling together! With only a week before we pack up and move, I am more than behind on blogging, cleaning, packing, editing photos.....but Christmas is around the corner! Anticipating more time with family and forgetting about the stress.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

give thanks.

Despite the amount of complaining I seem to do these days......stressed about the build......stressed about being home alone with the kids.....stressed about work.......I have LOTS to be thankful for.

I am so thankful for Austin. He is such an amazing little boy. My favorite is all the imaginary play he does right now. Right now Austin loves animals and trains. What could be more amazing than combining the two!? Thanksgiving day we got out an old train set since my parents are still holding on to lots of our childhood toys. They are anxious to give it to us and get it out of their house, but it's probably a good thing they haven't packed it up for good. All of these old toys are Austin's favorite!

My mom recently bought Austin a cape and a mask. He loves putting it on and running around the house making an airplane noise. He loves when Jackie comes over to play and he was happy to share his super powers with her.

We were all looking forward to the wonderful weather that we heard would happen on Thanksgiving. We were all ready to get some family pics updated. Ava took a long nap in the morning and Austin took a nap in the afternoon. Before Ava was ready to go down for her 2nd nap, Austin was just getting up. Austin doesn't love to do anything when he first wakes up. I felt we didn't have a choice but to dress him up and get outside as Ava was already yawning and rubbing her eyes.

We got a few pics of the family or at least did our best to at least all be in the same frame regardless if everyone was smiling or not.

I am so thankful for Ava. She is so sweet and happy. Such a joy to be watching her meet milestones. She is a beautiful subject for photography and at least holds still for the most part. I can't believe it's already time to start thinking about her first birthday party. I know it will come fast once the holidays are here so it's never too early to start planning.

I am thankful for Jason. There isn't anything we haven't endured together.  Building can certainly put a wedge or a cliff for that matter, in any relationship. This process has pushed us to our limits and with it being around the corner from our move date, I can say that I see the light at the end of the tunnel. We are constantly saying how tired and stressed we are. He is my rock, end of story.

I am thankful for Family. Over the last year, my family has been nothing but supportive through our building process. We are knocking on my parents door at 8am, budging into their lives, and they don't even blink. We spent the full day of Thanksgiving doing what we do best. Play Hard and Love Hard. I don't really look forward to the big meal as much as I look forward to the aftermath. Everyone is full and ready to relax. The boys watch the football game in one room, while the girls craft and stamp in the other. As the night progressed, we all ended up on the floor playing with the kids and singing songs. Austin was a bundle of energy and loved chasing Jackie around and around.

I am thankful for Friends. I know most of my friends are wondering where I even am. I have disappeared from the earth. We live in this rented condo which has been great but is a disaster. I never want to have anyone over because it's not even worth trying to make it presentable. I think everyone is understanding of our situation and how crazy life is. I can't wait to start inviting people over and catching up.

There is so much more to be thankful for but I am also thankful for the few moments at night to myself and right now, this is one of them, so I am going to leave it at that and go back to catching up on the never ending DVR. The house is a mess, dishes need to be done, laundry has to be folded......but that can wait, the good feeling from mindless tv cannot.
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