Thursday, October 20, 2011

Pink Pink Pink!!

Today was the day we found out what Baby #2 is! IT'S A GIRL! Jason and I had been preparing for either since we already have a beautiful and healthy baby boy at home. It's hard not to want the other sex and at the same time, I have loved having a boy so much that I knew another one, would be amazing! I love how much of a boy Austin is. He loves to rough house, smash things, and has absolutely no fear. Part of me is so excited to see if this little girl looks anything like me since Austin is a spitting image of Jason. He definitely didn't get that blonde hair, blue eyes, and those adorable dimples from me!

I didn't have much time to even think about the ultrasound this time since we are so busy with figuring out house plans to build, selling our house in Kalamazoo, finding daycare for Austin, along with learning a whole new specialty with my job. I worked up until the last minute with the ultrasound today and didn't have much time for butterflies, it almost didn't feel real. We got right to business though in finding out. As soon as she got to the legs, I swear she was going to say boy even though my gut feeling was girl this whole time. I had two dreams about it being a girl and my dreams with Austin were right on. So when she told us it was a girl, I asked her if she was serious about ten times before asking her if I could cry and throwing my hands over my face to bawl like a baby.

Jason and I have known two children is our limit ever since we got married. There were times in my life that i wanted a larger family, but for us personally, it just doesn't make sense. We are both going to work full time and honestly, we joked about stopping after one after how crazy life has changed over the past year. Good thing we jumped right into it and had our kids close, cause I can imagine why so many people wait and wait to have another since Austin seems to get to the most fun stage with every month that passes.

So here's the proof:
 Hard to take a picture of a picture but she sure is cute trying to suck her thumb already!
Can't believe I am going to have to go through all of Austin's adorable boy clothes and get rid of them, but I better start selling those cause Jason is going to have a heart attack with all the cute pink things I am going to buy!


  1. Wow, Congrats to you Jason, and big brother Austin! I love reading about the little guy, who is growing quickly. Really makes me look forward to starting our own family one day.

  2. I already said congrats, but I'm just figuring out every multimedia way to say that I'm so excited for you!


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