Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The S Word

Grandma needed some new pictures on her wall to update since we haven't updated them since last fall. So we bribed the kids with gingerbread houses. All they had to do was put on matching pj's and smile for me :)

Their pj's say "I'll be gnome for the holidays"
With all of her clothing modeling, she strikes a pose every time with no direction :)
We just got tons of snow last weekend and the kids didn't hesitate about going out multiple times a day

The hills on either side of the house are perfect for the kids, not too big, not too small

Even though it's my least favorite season, it makes the kids thrilled for something new to do. I have to admit watching their joy brings me so much joy. They are old enough to go out on their own while mommy shivers inside drinking hot chocolate. But good thing I don't mind getting bundled up with them. I took them to the neighborhood park with a MUCH bigger hill. Both kids flew down the hill and dragged their sleds back up time and time again so I could push them back down. Thankful that if we are gonna have snow, that its enough to have fun with!

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